A Guide to Living in Suginami City〔くらしのガイド〕


ページ番号1004479  更新日 令和6年10月1日 印刷 

A Guide to Living in SUGINAMI City (外国人のための生活便利帳)

This guide is published by Public Relations Section and it provides a selection of information that is useful and necessary for living in Suginami City.

Language: Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean

Japan Life Guide Multilingual App (多言語生活情報アプリ(地方自治体化国際協会(CLAIR))

The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) has released a free App, "Japan Life Guide" which provides information in 14 languages about daily life for foreign residents living in Japan. You can use this App as an everyday guide as well as in times of disaster.

Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, German, French, Russian, Myanmar, Japanese (with Japanese syllabaries/furigana), Easy Japanese

National Health Insurance (国民健康保険)

Japan's social security system includes health insurance system. This health insurance system is broadly divided into company (corporate) based health insurance and regionally-based National Health Insurance. Everyone who has resident record in Suginami City and who is eligible for health insurance must join one of these health insurance schemes.

Japanese School Guide (日本の学校について)

The following pamphlet explains about the school systems in Japan in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean. (This pamphlet is published by School Affairs Section.)

Additional Information on Japanese School (日本の学校についてのその他の情報)

Additional information from Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education on consultations, junior high night schools, information on high schools and university enrollment procedures and much more.

All About Garbage Disposal in Suginami City (杉並区でのごみの出し方等について)

Following are the links to garbage collecting schedules, how to sort and dispose garbage, and a free app (with QR codes) to help you properly sort out garbage.

Other Garbage Disposal Information (その他ごみ出し情報)

Following are links to large-sized waste:

Suginami City Guide (杉並区のガイド)

Brief overview of Suginami City including introduction of local areas, seasonal events, list of friendship cities and much more.

Information on Facilities in Suginami City (杉並区内施設情報)

Following are some of the facilities in Suginami City with English translation:

Additional Information and Resources (その他の情報・参考資料)

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〒166-8570 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1丁目15番1号
電話:03-3312-2111(代表) ファクス:03-5307-0683