Learning Japanese Language〔日本語学習〕


ページ番号1004485  更新日 令和1年11月25日 印刷 

Handbook of Learning Japanese and Life in Japan(文化庁ホームページより日本語学習・生活ハンドブック)

This useful handbook is available in Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and English.

Japanese Classes in Suginami City (from Suginami Association for Cultural Exchange HP) (杉並区内の日本語教室【杉並区交流協会ホームページより】)

You can obtain a copy of the full list of Japanese Classes by volunteers in Suginami City from Suginami Association for Cultural Exchange.

Tokyo Nihongo Volunteer Network (finding Japanese classes by volunteers) (東京日本語ボランティア・ネットワーク)

TNVN, Tokyo Nihongo volunteer Network, was established in December 1993, for the purpose of communicating and exchanging information among members or helping the volunteer activities each other. TNVN members help and support people who feel inconvenience to learn Japanese or to communicate with Japanese or others through Nihongo Volunteer classes.

You can find Volunteer Nihongo Classes through "Volunteer Nihongo Class Guide" on the website.

Language: Japanese, English

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) (日本語能力試験)



〒166-8570 東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1丁目15番1号
電話:03-3312-2111(代表) ファクス:03-5307-0683